Books, Chapters and Research Papers

The readings are available as follows.

  1. The Land: Physiography & Drainage
    1. Dupree, Afghanistan. Ch 1 and Ch 2.
    2. Water Resources of Afghanistan. Part I & II
  2. On Theory: Geopower and geopolitics
    1. Tuathail, Critical Geopolitics chapter Geopower
    2. Grygiel, Great Powers and Geopolitical Change Chapter Geography, Geopolitics, Geostrategy
  3. Ethnicity and the People
    1. Barfield, Afghanistan, Cultural n Political History Ch 1
    2. Nabi, State to Nation Ch2
    3. Article by Conrad Schetter Ethnoscape
    4. Robert Canfield, Ethnic, Regional and Sectarian Alignments of Afghanistan
    5. Ethno Federalism and Ethno Geopolitics
  4. The Anglo-Afghan Wars (I, II)
    1. Barfield, Anglo-Afghan Wars and the State Creation, Ch 3
    2. Reunion, History of Afghanistan Ch6
  5. Making of the Afghan State
    1. Saikal, Modern Afghanistan Ch 1
    2. Rasanayagam, Afghanistan, A Modern History Ch 1-2
  6. Afghanistan Under Cold War
    1. The Saur Revolution
    2. Soviet policy towards Afghanistan Collins
    3. Afghanistan and the USSR
    4. Game Theoretical Model Rubin
  7. Ethnicity and Conflict
    1. Dorronsorro Ethniciisation of Conflict
  8. Afghanistan and Pakistan Relations
    1. Pakistan and Afghanistan by Rasul B Rais
    2. Taliban, Oil and Fundamentalism by Rashid Ch_13_14
    3. Relations over the Pashtunistan Issue, Rasanayagam Chapter 3 , Pakistan's Perspective Article
    4. The End-Game in Afghanistan, Rubin-Rashid article
  9. Afghanistan and Iran relations
    1. Iran's Afghanistan Policy paper by Koepke
  10. Afghanistan and Central Asia relations
    1. Perspectives from Central Asia by Nourzhanov and Saikal Chapter2
    2. Central Asia's Response to Afghan Challenges by Nourzhanov and Saikal Chapter3
  11. Afghanistan and China relations
    1. China's Strategic Interest in Afghanistan
    2. China's Afghanistan Policy
    3. Central Asia, China and Afghanistan
  12. Afghanistan India relations
    1. India's Afghanistan Policy and the Pakistani Factor
    2. Obama's Af-Pak Policy
  13. Geoeconomics of Resources and Routes
    1. Geoeconomic Watershed Dhaka
    2. Post-2014 Situation, Afghanistan Beyond 2014
    3. Minerals of Afghanistan Ministry of Mines, Afghanistan

  1. Additional Resources
    1. US Military Academy, Regional Geography of Afghanistan. Ch 3 4
    2. Afghanistan Today: Glimpse of ordinary life Report
    3. Afghanistan Human Development report 2007 Chapter 1
    4. Anthony D. Smith on Nation and Modernism section1
    5. Article by Ashraf Ghani Islam and State-building
    6. Marwat, Communism in Afghanistan Ch 6
    7. Pakistan's role by Weinbaum
    8. China's Caution on Afghanistan, paper by Andrew Small