Climate Change and Environmental Security in Asia

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This course is introduced for the first time in 2024. This course aims at generating a geographical and environmental understanding about climate change and its various shades of geopolitical understanding.


Please see SYLLABUS

Course Schedule

Tentative Running please see Schedule


Section A deals with the general understanding of Climate systems. Both, the spatial and temporal aspect of climate need to be understood.

Atmosphere, Weather and Climate

  1. Understanding the Atmosphere Reading by Chorley
  2. For simpler version on Understanding The Atmosphere, please refer to NCERT_Geo
  3. General Atmospheric Circulation Chapter
  4. Climatic Classification of Regions and their BIomes Chapter_SavinderSingh

Environmental Security

  1. Conceptualisation of Security with reference to environment Article
  2. Environmental Security by Norman Myers Chapters
  3. Environmentalism and its Nature Chapter
  4. Environmental Concerns referencing into IR Chapter

Ecology, Ecosystem of Deserts

  1. Essential Concepts by Savinder Sigh Chapter
  2. Desert Environments and the Human DImension Chapter

Cryosphere and River Basins

  1. Rising temperature threats to glacial ice Report_part
  2. Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Case of Sikkim Chapter
  3. Central Asian Cryosphere and Water Security Paper

Soil System and Carbon

  1. Soils of Asia Report
  2. Carbon Sequestration Chapter

Coastal Areas and Islands

  1. Coastlines and Islands of Indonesia Articles
  2. Sea Level Rise in India Articles

General Systems Theory

  1. System's Approach to Climate Change Podcast
  2. Basic Postulates of GST Chapter

Environmental Security and Human Development

  1. Envrionmental security-human security Linkages
  2. Carbon Profile Report China

IPCC Reports

  1. Relating the IPCC Reports on Physical Elements of Atmosphere Pages
  2. IPPC Report Climatic Feedback Pages


Section A


The Atmosphere, Structure, Composition Lecture2A

Solar Radiation and Energy Balance Lecture_notes

Atmospheric Moisture Budget and Climatic Feedbacks Lecture3

Classification of Climate and Biomes in Asia Lecture4 , Lecture_notes

Climatic Feedback and its Relation with Energy Budget of the Earth Lecture_notes

Section B

Environmentalism and its Position in International Politics Lecture5

Determinism and Environmentalism Notes

Conceptualising Environmental Security Graeger_Notes

Section C

Essential Concepts of Ecology, Ecosystem and Biomes Lecture6

Deserts of Asia, Desertification and Climate Change Lecture7

Asian Cryosphere and Climate Change Lecture8

Soils and Climate Change Lecture9

Coastal Areas and Climate Change Lecture10

Section D

General Systems Theory Approach to Climate Change Lecture11

Environmental Security under National Policy Framework Lecture12
