References MA, [Economic & Political Geography of South Asia]

The following Lectures and References can be consulted for the Course topics:

South Asia as a region

  1. What is a region? Lecture 1- PART A
  2. Enquiry into Parameters for South Asia as a region Lecture 1- PART B
  3. Geographical basis of region Ch 3
  4. Schwartzberg Atlas South Asia


South Asia: Physiography and Climate

  1. South Asia by BLC Johnson Ch 1
  2. Himalayan Orogengy and Climate Chapter by OHK Spate
  3. South Asia and Climate Change Hot Spots in South Asia


South Asia: Socio-Economic Indicators

  1. South Asia Human Development Indicators Lecture 2- PART A
  2. Socio-Economic Indicators of South Asian Region Lecture 2- PART B
  3. South Asia Development Report, [2015] Ch_1_2, [2017-18] Ch_2
  4. Data visualization Economy


Agriculture in South Asia

  1. Salient Features of Agriculture in South Asia Lecture 3- PART A
  2. Geographical Units and the Principal Crops of South Asia Lecture 3- PART B
  3. Human Development in South Asia: A Report Ch 3,4,6
  4. FAOSTAT Food Security Profile for South Asian Countries, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
  5. Regional Integration and Food Security in South Asia


South Asian Agriculture: Major Crops - Food

  1. Wheat Production in South Asia, Lecture 4 PART A PART B
  2. Reports on the Agriculture economy of Bangladesh, Pakistan
  3. Wheat-rice cropping in South Asia
  4. Rice-Wheat System of South Asia Report
  5. Rice in South Asia Rice Data


South Asian Agriculture: Major Crops - Commercial

  1. Cotton scenario in Pakistan & India Lecture 5 PART A
  2. Sugarcane scenario in Pakistan & India Lecture 5 PART B
  3. Sugarcane to Ethanol Efforts


South Asian Agriculture: Major Crops - Commercial

  1. Commercial Cropping in Sri Lanka Lecture 6 PART A PART B
  2. More readings Tea, Rubber and Coconut
  3. Issues in Agriculture Development of Sri Lanka Chapter
  4. Food Security and Sustainability in Sri Lanka
  5. Lanka Tea Articles


Natural Resource Economy in South Asia: Forests

  1. Forest Resources in Bhutan Lecture 7 PART A PART B
  2. Forest of Bhutan Salient Features, Reports
  3. Protected Areas of Nepal Paper1, Paper2
  4. Nepal Forest Report

Natural Resource Economy in South Asia: Minerals

  1. Natural Resources in Afghanistan, Minerals, Lecture 7 PART C
  2. Significance of minerals in Reconstruction of Afghan Economy USGS Report
  3. Collection of reports and other data on Afghanistan's mineral resources Zip Download


Natural Resource Economy in South Asia: Water

  1. Hydro Resources for Nepal Reports

Manufacturing & IT Services in South Asia

  1. Industrial Complexes and Iron and Steel Industry in India, Lecture 8 PART A
  2. Textile and Garment Industry in Bangladesh, Lecture 8 PART B
  3. Services & IT Industry in India, Lecture 8 PART C


Geopolitics of South Asia

  1. Functional Approach to Political Geography and the State Formation in South Asia, Lecture 10 PART A
  2. The Functional Approach to Political Geography Hartshorne
  3. Democracy and authoritarianism in South Aisa by Ayesha Jalal Chapters
  4. Comparative Federalism in South Asia, Lecture 10 PART B


Borders and Conflict in South Asia

  1. Theorising Borders and Case of Indo-Bangladesh Border, Ch 1_2
  2. The Origins of Durand Dispute Article
  3. The Border and Conflict in South Asia, Lecture 11 PART A
  4. The Border and Conflict in South Asia, Lecture 11 PART B


Transboundary Hydropolitics: Indus Water Treaty & Mahakali Treaty

  1. Hydropolitics between India and Pakistan Lecture 12 PART A
  2. Hydropolitics of India and Nepal Lecture 12 PART B
  3. Supplimentary reading Documents


India and the South Asian Geopolitics

  1. Regional Security Complex Approach LECTURE13
  2. Barry Buzan, Regions and Powers Chapter
  3. Geopolitical Context of India Rising UGC Lecture

Regional Economic Cooperation in South Asia

  1. Regional Cooperation in South Asia chapter 1-2
  2. Role of Trade and Services in Regional Integration in South Asia Ch 5 - Connecting South Asia

Energy Security in South Asia

Collection of Articles
  1. Planning Process and Balanced Regional Development, Ch 1, Ch 9
  2. Religion and Politics in South Asia, here is a link to summary paper Religious demography of India

Maps and Datawork

  1. Physical South Asia Physiography
  2. Political Maps
    1. Pakistan
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Nepal
    4. Sri Lanka
    5. Bhutan
    6. Sri Lanka_Conflict
    7. Expansion of British Rule in South Asia Map
    8. South Asia Under British Rule in 1857 Map
    9. South Asia Under British Rule in 1904 Map
    10. South Asia After British Partition in 1947 Map
    11. Baluchistan Under British Rule Map
  3. Agriculture Maps
    1. Bangladesh - Wheat Cultivation Areas Map2
    2. Bangladesh - Rice Cultivation Areas Map3
    3. Sri Lanka - Tea Cultivation Areas Map4
    4. Sri Lanka - Coconut Cultivation Areas Map5
    5. Sri Lanka - Rubber Cultivation Areas Map6
    6. Nepal - Wheat Cultivation Areas Map7
    7. Nepal - Rice Cultivation Areas Map8
    8. Nepal - Fragmented Land Holdings Highest, Lowest
    9. Pakistan - Wheat Cultivation Areas Map9
    10. Pakistan - Cotton Cultivation Areas Map10


  1. Wheat and Rice crop acreage and yield, see TABLES

Interactive FAO website agromap