South Asia Economic Geography: Supplimentary Readings

This page contains some visual material including books and chapters.

Quadrant - III

  1. Lecture 1,2
    1. Typology of Region
    2. Concept of the Region
    3. Geography of Puranas by Salim Ali, by KS Valdia
    4. Himalayas by Wadia
    5. Himalayas Geology
    6. Himalayan Tectonics
    7. Saigang Fault
    8. Understanding Monsoons
    9. People, State and Power - Ratzel
    10. Beads in The Backyard
    11. Indus River, Cradle of Civilisation
    12. Ganga, A Living Human Being
    13. South Asia Stats
  2. Lecture 3
    1. Agriculture and Political Systems Relationship
    2. Food Security in South Asia Conceptual Note, A Study of Agro-economy of Bangladesh
    3. Climate Change and Food Security, A Study of Nepal
    4. Food Security in Pakistan Spatial Analysis
    5. World Bank - Feeding South Asia in Times of Crisis Watch Video
  3. Lecture 4
    1. Wheat Sector in Pakistan
    2. Agriculture in Pakistan
    3. Bangladesh - Impact of Wheat Blast
    4. Rice in Bangladesh
  4. Lecture 5
    1. Cotton Crop in India [ ind1 ind2 ], Pakistan [ pak1 pak2 ]
    2. Sugarcane in India Report, Data
    3. Sugarcane Production in Pakistan Data, Article1, Article2
    4. Sugarcane Origins
  5. Lecture 6
    1. Plantation Industry in Sri Lanka - Report
    2. Agriculture in SriLanka
    3. Land Reforms in Sri Lankan agriculture
    4. Rubber plantation in Sri Lanka Report Article1 Video
    5. Coconut Cultivation in Sri Lanka Article1
    6. Coconut Industry in Sri Lanka, HWS De Silva Chapter 2
    7. Tea Growing Regions in India
  6. Lecture 7
    1. Agriculture in Nepal
    2. Minerals of Afghanistan, the United States Geological Survey Report
  7. Lecture 8
    1. Industrial Dynamics of India and China Ohara Ch1
    2. Industrial Geography of India Ch_M_Hussain
    3. Bangladesh garment industry by Shahidur Rahman Chapters
    4. Garment Industry in Bangladesh Article 1, Article 2
    5. Bangladesh Textile Industry Report
  8. Lecture 10
    1. Growth of the States Ratzel
    2. Federalism, India and Pakistan K_Adeney
  9. Lecture 11
    1. Reading on Panjdeh Crisis, a harbinger to Durand Line, Dupree's Afghanistan Ch18
  10. Lecture 12
    1. The Dams and the Discourse, Chapter by Mirumachi
    2. Indus Water Treaty, Baglihar Case Article
  11. Lecture 13
    1. South Asian Regional Security Complex by Buzan Chapter

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